Emmanuel Alayande COE NCE Admission Form: The management of Emmanuel Alayande College of Education (EACOED) in Oyo State announces the commencement of the screening exercise for admission into various NCE (National Certificate in Education) programs offered by the institution for the 2025/2026 academic session. Prospective candidates pursuing their NCE should review the form costs, admission criteria, and application details provided below.
General Undergraduate Admission Criteria
For both UTME and Direct Entry candidates, here are the essential admission requirements for Bachelor’s Degree Programs:
UTME 4-Year Program
Candidates must possess the following qualifications:
Join any of our Social Media Pages to receive Latest Updates!- WAEC/NECO Senior School Certificate (SSC), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O’Level), or equivalent, with credits in five (5) subjects acquired in not more than two sittings.
- A credit in O’Level English language is mandatory for all courses.
Special Course Requirements
Certain courses have specific subject requirements:
- Mathematics
- A compulsory credit in O’Level Mathematics for Sciences, Vocational, Technical, and Social Science-based courses.
- English Language
- Credit in Literature in English is required.
- Educational Management
- Credits in English Language, Mathematics, and Economics at the Ordinary Level.
- Social Studies
- Acceptable credits include Geography, Economics, Government, Commerce, Christian Religious Knowledge, Islamic Religious Knowledge, History, and Yoruba.
- Counselling Psychology
- Must have a credit in Mathematics for science and social science teaching subject options.
Available NCE Courses at Emmanuel Alayande College of Education
Emmanuel Alayande College of Education offers a wide range of accredited programs, including but not limited to:
School of Art & Social Sciences
- Economics/Mathematics
- Economics/History
- Music
- Geography/Social Studies
- Islamic Studies/Social Studies
- Geography/Political Science
- Islamic Studies/Political Science
- Islamic Studies/Economics
- History/Islamic Studies
- Christian Religious Studies/Social Studies
- History/Social Studies
- History/Political Science
- Christian Religious Studies/History
- Political Science/Social Studies
- Economics/Social Studies
- Economics/Geography
- Economics/Political Science
- Christian Religious Studies/English
- Music/Social Studies
- CRS/Political Science
- Music/Christian Religious Studies
- Islamic Religious Studies/Yoruba
- Pre-Christian Religious Studies
- Pre-Islamic Studies
- Pre-Geography
- Pre-History
- Pre-Music
- Pre-Social Studies
- Pre-Political Science
- Pre-Economics
- Music/Economics
- Music/Political Science
- Social Studies/Theatre Art
- Cultural And Creative Art/English
- Cultural And Creative Art/Theatre Art
- Cultural And Creative Art/Music
- Cultural And Creative Art/Arabic
- Geography/Arabic
- Geography/History
- Islamic Studies/Geography
- History/Hausa
- History/Cultural And Creative Art
- Music/Yoruba
- History/Yoruba
- Theatre (DM)
- Theatre/Music
- Theatre/Cultural And Creative Arts
- Theatre/English
- Theatre/Social Studies
- Theatre/Christian Religious Studies
- Theatre/History
- Theatre/Yoruba
- Theatre/Islamic Studies
- Theatre/Hausa
- Christian Religious Studies/French
- Christian Religious Studies/Igbo
- Christian Religious Studies/Yoruba
- Geography/Mathematics
- Geography/Physics
- Geography/Integrated Science
- Music/Islamic Studies
School of Early Childhood Care And Primary Education
- Primary Education
- Early Childhood Care Education
- Pre-primary Education Studies (Double Major)
- Pre-early Childhood Care Education
School of Languages
- English/History
- Arabic/English
- French (DM)
- Arabic/Islamic Studies
- English/French
- English/Islamic Studies
- French/Yoruba
- Hausa/Yoruba
- English/Social Studies
- Yoruba/History
- Yoruba/Christian Religious Studies
- Hausa/Islamic Studies
- English/Yoruba
- English/Political Science
- Yoruba/Social Studies
- Pre-English Language
- Pre-Hausa Language
- Pre-Arabic
- Pre-French (Double Major)
- Pre-french
- Pre-Igbo
- Pre-Yoruba L1
- Hausa/English
- Hausa/Social Studies
- Hausa/CRS
- Hausa/Music
- Hausa/History
- Yoruba/Music
- Arabic/Social Studies
- English/Music
- French/Social Studies
- French/Political Science
- French/Islamic Studies
- French/CRS
- Yoruba/Islamic Studies
- Arabic/French
- Arabic
- English/Theatre Art
- English Language/Economics
- English Language/Geography
- Arabic/Yoruba
- Arabic/History
- English/Christian Religious Studies
- English/Hausa
- French/Music
School of Science
- Integrated Science/Mathematics
- Computer/Geography
- Integrated Science/Physics
- Computer/Integrated Science
- Chemistry/Physics
- Physical Health Education
- Biology/Chemistry
- Computer/Biology
- Biology/Integrated Science
- Computer/Mathematics
- Computer/Physics
- Chemistry/Mathematics
- Integrated Science/History
- Mathematics/Physics
- Computer/Economics
- Integrated Science (DM)
- Biology/History
- Computer/Chemistry
- Biology/Geography
- Mathematics/Geography
- Physics/Geography
- Chemistry/Integrated Science
- Integrated Science/Geography
- Pre-Science
- Pre-Physical And Health Education
- Computer/Music
- Chemistry/Geography
School of Vocational & Technical Education
- Agricultural Science
- Home Economics
- Fine & Applied Arts
- Technical Education
- Business Education
- Pre-Agricultural Science
- Pre-Home Economics
- Pre-Technical Education
- Pre-Fine & Applied Arts
School of Education
- Special Needs Education (DM)
- Adult And Non-formal Education
How to Apply for Emmanuel Alayande COE NCE Admission Form
To secure admission for the upcoming session, candidates must diligently adhere to the application guidelines:
- Visit the Admissions link at http://eacoed.edu.ng or go directly to http://admissions.eacoed.edu.ng.
- Create an account using a valid email address and phone number. Confirm the account through the email sent.
- Proceed to pay the screening application fee of Two Thousand Naira (₦2,0000.00).
- Enter your UTME score and choose the application type.
- Complete the application by providing all required information, uploading necessary documents, and submitting.
- After submission, download or print your application form and payment receipt for record purposes.
For inquiries concerning admissions, contact the Admission Officer via admission@eauedoyo.edu.ng or call 08034390979, 08058837587.
Feel free to share this comprehensive guide with others seeking admission into Emmanuel Alayande College of Education for the 2025/2026 academic session.
Join any of our Social Media Pages to receive Latest Updates!I hope this post has answered all your queries. If you have any questions or comments about Emmanuel Alayande COE NCE Admission Form 2025/2026, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below, I will be happy to answer them. And don’t hesitate to share it with others who might find it helpful too!!